i'm retrofitting cruise control on a BMW 320D 2005.
Changed the parts needed and added cruise control to the VO and coded the modules needed to code.
Next and last step is Resetting/Calibrating the steering angle sensor in INPA but it gives me the following message and nothing more happens:
Calibration steering angle only with steering wheel balancer !!
Okay this was actually really easy
1. Start by launching Toolset 32 / Tool32:
2. Choose "Load SGBD Group file"
3. Find your DSC module and click "open", (In my case for a E90 2005 320D it was DSC_87.prg)
4. Scroll your way down to "lenkwinkel dsc abgleichen", ignition on and double click that.
Wait for the job to finish (took about 10 seconds for me)
Steering Angle calibrated and VIN-matched to car.